Netherlands: Elsevier open science agreement

A major breakthrough for open science.

The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO) have agreed a framework that provides Dutch researchers with full reading access to, and unlimited open access publishing in, Elsevier journals.

In addition, a range of pilot projects will be undertaken to develop tools and services in support of open science and research intelligence.

An initial set of clear principles have been agreed to by the partner organisations:

  • Interoperable: no vendor lock in. Researchers and institutions can also use their own tools;
  • Future proof: system should be flexible to different setups and different agreements;
  • Vendor/publisher neutral: system development is not limited to any specific vendor; and
  • Researchers and/or institutions own their own research data (not Elsevier).

In the coming months, a working group will further define the rules of engagement and the governance structure will be worked out.

Source: Research Information; VSNU website (translated).